To max a brother a legend who always thought of others and would never see anyone go without go enjoy yourself now with all of our family will love and miss you gone but not forgotten 💔💔
3rd September 2021
Fly high Max, remembering those early days working with you in your first salon in Brixham. St Peters Hill. Respect always, love to all the boys and anyone who remembers those times xxx
2nd September 2021
Max the man whose family meant everything, 20 Grand children and he knew every single name! He loved them all and they loved him, and he knew that he was loved.
Talking of names he was given the name Max the axe by the fishermen, maybe something to do the severity of his styling...... short, short or short! As a teenage girl on the receiving end of such a haircut I had to wear a hat for 3 weeks after!
Max gave me a nick name.....
Riff Raff, and walking through town or driving I would often hear that shouted and know without turning my head who it was!
For the last 8mths I got to see him once a week doing my Saturday job and I marvelled at his resilience. Never once did he complain or question, he just got on with it. He showed compassion and kindness to other residents. I know that his big heart and massive personality will be sorely missed there.
So my friend I hope that you are having a blast with some of your old muckers, Quigley, Peps and Abdul can show you around.
Love you Max, love you Bab xx
31st August 2021